College of Law



The Faculty of Law is one of the most prestigious and important academic
institutions, focusing on the study of law and its various branches with the goal of
preparing legal professionals capable of handling the diverse legal challenges
within society. Law plays a critical role in regulating relationships between
individuals and institutions, ensuring justice and equality, and maintaining social,
economic, and political order. Therefore, understanding and applying the law
correctly is essential for preserving societal harmony.
The Faculty of Law at cihan university aims to provide a comprehensive
education that combines theoretical and practical aspects. A wide range of legal
subjects are taught, including criminal law, civil law, constitutional law,
international law, and business law. There is also a strong emphasis on critical and
analytical thinking skills, enabling students to develop their ability to understand
legal issues thoroughly and formulate appropriate legal solutions.
In addition, the faculty offers numerous practical activities that give students
the opportunity to apply what they have learned through internships in courts or
legal institutions. Seminars and legal conferences are also organized, featuring
experts from around the world, allowing students to stay updated on the latest legal
developments and broaden their knowledge.
In conclusion, the Faculty of Law represents a fundamental pillar in
achieving justice and the rule of law by preparing generations of legal
professionals who possess knowledge, competence, and a strong ethical
commitment to serving society and protecting individual rights.




The mission of the Department of Law is to provide a rigorous and comprehensive legal education that prepares students to excel in the legal profession and contribute meaningfully to society. We are committed to fostering a deep understanding of legal principles, promoting ethical and professional standards, and engaging in impactful research and community service. Our aim is to cultivate well-rounded legal professionals who are equipped to address the complex legal challenges of our time and to advocate for justice and equity




Our vision is to be a leading institution in legal education, recognized for our innovative teaching methods, cutting-edge research, and commitment to social justice. We aspire to create a dynamic learning environment that encourages intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and interdisciplinary collaboration. We envision a future where our graduates are not only adept legal practitioners but also influential leaders and change-makers in their communities and the global legal landscape. Through our efforts, we seek to advance the rule of law and contribute to the development of a just and equitable society.



The objectives of the Department are to:

  • Legal Education and Training: To provide comprehensive education and training in legal principles, theories, and practices. This includes preparing students for legal professions through undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs.
  • Research and Scholarship: To advance legal knowledge through research in various areas of law. This involves conducting original research, publishing scholarly articles, and contributing to legal theory and practice.
  • Public Service and Community Engagement: To serve the community by offering legal services, advice, or pro bono work. This can include legal clinics, community outreach programs, and partnerships with legal aid organizations.
  • Ethical and Professional Standards: To promote high ethical and professional standards in the legal field, ensuring that graduates and practitioners uphold integrity and professionalism.
  • International and Comparative Law: To study and analyze international and comparative legal systems, fostering an understanding of global legal issues and cross-border legal practices.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: To collaborate with other disciplines (such as economics, political science, sociology) to provide a broader understanding of legal issues and their impact on society.
  • Student Development and Support: To support students in their academic and professional growth, including offering career counseling, internships, and networking opportunities.
  • Innovation in Legal Education: To continuously update and improve curricula and teaching methods to reflect changes in the legal field and emerging trends.

Job Opportunities

Future Job Opportunities for Graduates from the college of Law

  • Legal Practice :
    • Attorney: Providing legal advice, representing clients in court, preparing legal documents, and offering legal counsel.
    • Legal Consultant: Offering legal advice to businesses or individuals on legal issues related to their operations or transactions.
  • Judiciary:
    • Judge: Working within the judicial system to adjudicate cases and make legal decisions
    • Prosecutor: Presenting cases in court on behalf of the state or society.
  • Government Sector:
    • Government Employee: Working in ministries and government agencies in areas such as legal advisory, policy drafting, or legal support.
    • Government Legal Advisor: Providing legal advice to government bodies and drafting laws and regulations.
  • Corporate Sector:
    • In-House Counsel: Providing legal advice to businesses, handling legal issues related to contracts, intellectual property, and data protection.
    • Compliance Officer: Ensuring that companies adhere to local and international laws and regulations.
  • Academic and Research Fields:
    • University Professor: Teaching law at universities and educational institutions and conducting legal research.
    • Legal Researcher: Performing in-depth studies and research in various areas of law and publishing scholarly articles.
  • Non-Profit Sector:
    • Human Rights Lawyer: Working with non-governmental organizations and human rights institutions to defend human rights and social causes.
    • Organizations: Providing legal advice to non-profits and developing legal policies.
  • Arbitration and Mediation:
    • Arbitrator: Resolving disputes between parties through arbitration outside of court.
    • Mediator: Settling disputes between parties through mediation and negotiation.
  • Internal Investigations and Anti-Corruption:
    • Legal Investigator: Conducting internal investigations within companies or organizations to ensure compliance with laws and regulations.
Assistant Lecturer
Assistant Lecturer
Assistant Lecturer